Top ReactJS Practices Every Developer Should Know: Code Clean, Code Right!

Top ReactJS Practices Every Developer Should Know: Code Clean, Code Right!

Today, ReactJS is commonly used for building user interfaces and is the one language that every developer wishes to master. If you are one of those, join us to learn the best ReactJS practices that every developer swears by.

When you talk about front-end applications or coding in general, the talk about ReactJS is just around the corner. Today, ReactJS, a JavaScript library, is the building block for most digital development projects, and mastering React is a surefire way to build a successful career as a front-end developer in any ReactJS development company. But while most developers are versed in React, not many have mastered this library, and it shows in the code that they write and the apps or websites they build. When it comes to coding, functionality is not the only consideration; your code should be clean, scalable and easy to maintain. A well-written code can boost the overall speed of your website or application and make way for a positive user experience. And a poorly-written code can have the opposite effect.

So, knowing how to code is not enough; you should be able to create codes that are readable, consistent, collaborative, responsive and robust. It might sound like a tough nut to crack, but with a little help, you can easily succeed. To help you on this front, we have brought top ReactJS practices to you that every developer should know.

Follow the Single Responsibility Principle

One component, one functionality – live by this rule if you wish to write easy-to-maintain and reusable codes. As per the “single responsibility principle”, each component created should be responsible for a single functionality. That way, you break down each component into manageable bits that can be reused without the need for any modification. With this simple act, your code becomes both readable and reusable, taking the efficiency of your codes to a different level altogether. Also, if you wish to target scalability, this practice can prove really fruitful in the long run. You will have small and well-defined units that can be brought together to form a rich codebase over time.

Choose Functional Components Over Class Components

If you are still new to ReactJS, make it a habit to choose functional components whenever possible.

  • When compared to class components, functional ones are clearer and more concise yet more expressive.
  • With an extensive focus on core logic and basic functionality, functional components are easy to understand and maintain.
  • As functional components are pure functions, they work seamlessly with testing tools and simplify the entire web testing procedure.
  • Functional components gained a lot of significance with the coming of React Hooks in version 16.8. Naturally, functional components will be more compatible with upcoming React developments.

Opt for a Consistent Formatting Style

Today, every web development project is about collaboration; several developers come together to create a workable and efficient user interface, especially when it comes to the collaborative environment of a ReactJS development company. While this improves the pace of the entire development journey, certain regulations should be brought in to ensure the created codebase is clean and readable. The most important is the use of a standardized formatting style. When you use a consistent format, the entire code can be easily read and understood by everyone involved, irrespective of who wrote the code. This limits the possibility of any inconsistencies or roadblocks that can lengthen the development process.

Opt for Descriptive Naming

Make it a practice to name each component, variable and function of your code in a descriptive manner. Descriptive naming makes each element self-explanatory and, therefore, makes room for collaboration between the original developer and other team members. Also, if all elements are named descriptively, there will be less need for additional comments, improving the overall readability and accessibility of the code. So, if you wish to create codes  hat are readable, clear, scalable and easy to maintain, then always favour descriptive coding.

Smartly Use React. Memo and PureComponent

Optimize the entire rendering process by using “React.memo” for functional components and “PureComponent” for class components. This classification ensures there are re-renders and the applications run efficiently.

There are certain benefits of optimizing rendering –

  • When you reduce unnecessary re-renders, you reduce the workload on the render engine and promote the efficacy of the entire application.
  • When you minimize re-renders, you reduce CPU and memory usage.
  • Render optimization can enhance the responsiveness of your user interface and make way for a positive user experience.
  • When you optimize the rendering process, it ensures the optimum and efficient utilization of all available resources.

Create a Clear and Consistent Folder Structure

When organizing your files, make sure to use a component-based folder structure, where files from similar categories are grouped and saved together. Every ReactJS development company places great emphasis on this to ensure that an accessible, readable and easy-to-understand codebase is developed. When you create a clear folder structure, a lot becomes self-explanatory. For instance,

  • The folder structure can reflect component hierarchy.
  • Makes way for easy import and extraction
  • Locating files becomes a lot easier.

Creating a consistent folder is a small step that can simplify the continuous usage of your existing codebase.

Prioritise Code Testing

Today, there are several testing tools like Zest and Cypress that test your codes to promote code quality and prevent any potential regressions. Every React project extends beyond the initial development. Before any project can go live, extensive testing is conducted to detect any errors and derive the best possible results. There are three main types of testing –

  • Uni testing, which tests individual units.
  • Integration testing, which simultaneously tests multiple units.
  • End-to-end testing, which tests the functionality or working of the entire application.

It’s smart to conduct all three tests before you launch any user interface to troubleshoot any potential issues and resolve them in time. Today, performance testing is a key aspect of the development journey in any ReactJS development company in India. Even if you are working as a freelancer, make sure to prioritize testing and leave no room for errors that might bring down your reputation in the industry.

To Sum Up:

Mastering ReactJS is a journey which will demand a lot of your hard work and time. While walking through all the steps and components one by one is important, adopting several practices at the beginning stage itself can help you optimise your entire journey. So, this was our list of some recommended ReactJS practices that every developer should live by. Incorporate them into your coding technique today, and you will reap the benefits of it for years to come. As an IT consultancy firm, we at Acespritech Solutions Pvt. Ltd wish you to help you build the best web development team out there and emerge as the best within your field. So, follow us for more such tips and always have an expert insight into the world of IT.

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