IT Industry


Digital transformation changes the way businesses operate. Through it, businesses can evaluate the processes, workflows, and culture of the company. Digital transformation affects every person in the organization and brings all data from various departments together, offering more insight.

This case study explores how an ERP system developed by Acespritech for an IT company becomes an engine of growth.

Client Background

Elsner Technologies is a leading IT company based in Ahmedabad, India. The company helps businesses in building robust solutions by offering full-fledged software development and IT services.

Scope of Work

The objective of the project was to streamline the various processes of the sales department, HR department, employee management, project management, and time tracking and integrate every department. Also, generate various MIS reports for better insight. Through this solution, the customer wants to monitor team performance, enhance project management, and boost sales performance.

Challenges We Faced

There are big challenges before the company while offering the digital transformation to Elsner Technologies.

  1. Integration of Various Processes: The foremost challenge was identifying the processes of various departments and integrating them for a seamless experience.

2. Competing Priorities: Every department has its priorities running on the “Urgent” proposal.Selecting which one to bring in first was a challenge.

3. Security Concerns: Bringing an entire organization on a single software increases security threats.Many industry leaders have faced the issues of cyberattacks.

Solutions We Offered

Our expert consultants at Acespritech analyzed the challenges in-depth and offered a detailed digital transformation plan with minimum hassles.

  1. First, we talk with the different departments of Elsner, identify the problems, and prioritize them. We found that the sales team need a better process for lead followup and achieve their targets.Hence, we developed the CRM features that help the sales team to manage prospects, email marketing, and sales orders. It helped Elsner to track every lead and follow them up quickly, resulting in paying customers.

2. Next, we focused on employee management, timesheet, and project management in parallel. With these features, ourcustomers can know the progress and problem areas of every project quickly. Also, it strengthened resource management and helped in identifying employee efficiency.

3. Employee management featured how quickly the team completed the task and its quality. Also, the project manager can reassign the task or project to an individual or team.

4. Our timesheet module featured task or project management supporting various stages of the software development life cycle. Moreover, it can track the number of bugs reported by the QA team and their current status. It helps our customers to monitor the quality of teams and individuals and time spent on various activities.

5. Then, we worked on payroll and document management. Automatic payroll calculations have reduced the load of the HR & Account department, and they can generate salary quickly. Also, document management helped project managers and their teams to control various documents effectively.

6. We implemented this solution through the Odoo ERP framework, which uses industry standard PBKDF2+SHA512 encryption and offers various other security features.

7. Managing security on view, table and record level with user roles, allowing group manager to have access for all its team members and not to other group managers while group members having access to his/her own records and no other member’s.

8. We implemented menu access depending on users’ need for certain views.

Acespritech helped Elsner Technologies in their digital transformation by simplifying their processes and enhancing their work efficiency.